How to Install a Firewall in Cpanel

How to install a firewall in Cpanel

Installing a firewall in Cpanel is just a couple of easy steps , so, lets jump right in.Open putty
log in as “root” and enter your password

First we thing we type in is;

rm -fv csf.tgz

click enter, and then type


click enter and wait until done , then type

tar -xzf csf.tgz

click enter and then type

cd csf

click enter and then type


and it will install itself

And you have a firewall on your server/vps and all we need to do turn it on

Go to your Whm panel and scroll down left side on bottom to “ConfigServer Security&Firewall” and click

Then click on “Firewall Configuration”

See on top where it says “TESTING =1” , change 1 to 0 scroll down to bottom of page and click “Change”

This will start your firewall and you ready to go,we will customize it later.